Although Google has
promised users it would not read Gmail users’ emails, the company has
done little to stop or police third-party software developers from
accessing and reading emails, according to a
Wall Street Journal
report. Inboxes of people who sign up for free apps—like travel
itinerary-makers or online shopping price comparisons—are vulnerable to
being scanned to develop new software or to collect data for marketers.
Computers automatically scanning millions of emails and employees
reading them has become a “common practice” and “reality,” with
developers claiming the practice is often covered in the service’s user
agreement. Google also claims the data is only available to outside
developers who have been “vetted.” Another internet giant, Facebook, was
recently embroiled in a user data uproar of its own—the
Cambridge Analytica scandal, where user data was utilized for political means like targeted advertising.
Why are they so ingenuie